Rejoicing with and for Others

As God’s creatures, who are privileged to be created in his image, we have so much to be grateful for. Yet, often I observe that many spend more time griping, complaining, being envious of others’ accomplishments. The sin of envy is a deep root that despises others, leads to emotional and physical violence, the need to compete, spread false reports, crushing others while seeking to be praised. It is a behavior that daily plays out privately and publicly, it is harmful, and it is displeasing to God.
As fallen creatures, we have the proclivity to sin. The Apostle Paul informs us in Romans 3:23, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” However, God’s love for us has provided the remedy needed to cover our sins. It is his Sweet, Unique, Marvelous Grace. When we become infused with the grace of God, it is a spiritual vitamin that will nurture, heal, and renew us. When we ingest Romans 12:15, it makes our hearts tender towards others; such that in their time of joy, we are happy for them and can celebrate them; when they experience sorrow, we are empathetic and care for them.
In closing, if you are one who struggles with envy and the need to be “it”; may God renew your heart. He loves you and desires that you be made well. Please accept these ingredients from Psalm 5:11-12- 11 “But let all who put their trust in You be glad. Let them sing with joy forever. You make a covering for them that all who love Your name may be glad in You. 12 For You will make those happy who do what is right, O Lord. You will cover them all around with Your favor.”
“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13 NLT)
Much Love,
Pastor Olivet