Prayer of Adoration and Supplication
Elohim, our divine creator, you spoke the world into existence. You are El Shaddai, Jehovah, the great I AM. There is no one like you. You are the Almighty and Everlasting God, Creator of all living things. We give you thanks, Jehovah Jireh for the marvelous ways in which You reveal yourself to us and provide for us. We rejoice because of your love for us.
O Lord, along with our rejoicing, our hearts are aching. Many are distressed because of natural disasters, destruction, devastation, hatred, violence, and evil that permeates the atmosphere. God, there are those who are jobless, homeless, hungry and thirsty. Many are displaced and are scared, some are angry and may have lost hope. There are those whose bodies are racked with pain, sickness, disease. There are those who care for them and are overwhelmed. Jehovah Rophe, heal our bodies, renew our minds and revive our souls.
Ancient of Time, we know and believe that your ears are attentive to those who are crying out to you at this very hour. We know that your mercy endures forever, and You will comfort those who are distress. We trust in your divine providence and are hopeful. We are hopeful because You are the same God who responded to the cries and suffering of the people of Israel and delivered them from their trouble.
Heavenly Father, we are reminded that you’ve also called us, by your Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ to be your instruments. Enlighten, strengthen, and guide us in the way you desire for us to serve You, and those who are in need. Help us to walk in righteousness, Jehovah Tsidkenu. Teach us how to be in right relationship with You and our neighbors. Fill us with compassion, and bind us in perfect unity. Jehovah Shalom, shield us from the enemy who desires to smash our hope and instill fear. Insulate us with joy, and true peace which comes from You. Abba Father, seal us in the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus.
Adoni, grant us the Holy Spirit’s power, to seek after You, to proclaim your victory, and agape love. Prepare us to readily share the reason for the hope and joy that is within us. In the name of Christ Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit, may our lives bring glory to you El Roi. You who sees all and knows all. Amen!
(Composed by Rev. Olivet J. Brown)